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OK, I finally gone and done it. All them excuses about how I'm broker than a super unlucky gambler on racing day, or living in Bulgaria, or whatnot, is over with. I only wish I had done it when the site was still an independent, cuddly little British upstart and not part of the Death Star, or CBS, or whatever.

I coughed up 21 green ones for seven months of Subscribaliciousness to LastFM!! Why? Do I care? Was it *really* because I think
is adorable?

Was it because I heard the song Big Indian for the first time in over a year and thought it was fab?

Was it because I didn't like that drab lil' grey icon next to my "name"?

OK I must confess: LastFM is my fave. It kicks the sorry asses of MySpace, all them blawggh sites, Flickr (I am not a very visually oriented chick, blind as a bat and WAY too lazy to upload), all the lovely products from those fine folks at the Goog (yeah even YouTube, see above), and errrr….. *koff* certain social networking sites we have known, loved, become sorely disillusioned with, etc.

I am in LOVE. Seven is my favourite number (well 27, but 27 months wasn't an option). Rawkin and rollin are the only things that make my life worth a shit. And so on, and so forth.

Anyway. Now I know when you've been loitering around my LastFM page. Don't be leaving ciggie butts around, and absolutely, positively, NO LOOGIE SPITTING!

It's been a Good Day. I'm on fiiiiiieeeeerrrrrrrrr!!

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