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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

message to spread

Hi there,

as you may know, recently Lastfm changed it's policy,
from now on user from outside US, UK and Germany need
to pay a monthly fee for a service that once had a free

If you are untroubled with such policy, please feel
free to disregard this message.
However, perhaps you can remind yourself that Lastfm is
a SOCIAL networkingsite.
And for some of the users worldwide the 'little fee'
of $3 is as much as the earning of a day's work…

On the other hand, if you believe such policy is
totaly bollocks, and you feel something can be done
about it, read on…

It is perhaps interesting to realise that Lastfm is
a user based system, and therefor we can have a substancial
influence on the policy implemented by the executive forces
of Lastfm, as long as we, as users, act from a collective
So, the action we want to suggest is the following:

for a month or so…
if that doesn't help further action can be taken.

Obviously, this action is highly dependant upon the users
who have free access or are already subscribed,
so we kindly ask for cooperation, in the interest of users worldwide.

And for the user for which the fee of $3 is easily affordable,
please don't feel seduced to subscribe.

This is the basic idea we want to spread.
If you are of the same opinion or similar sentiment,
then please spread the word. (Copy and paste this message)

Thank you very much.

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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