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2 Top 5 Lists

Hah I am babysitting and I have nothing to do (except for knitting and reading, which I will do later this night) besides surfing the internet, staring at my screen and waiting for it to do nice tricks. Yay I am bored and I am a super star in making weird sentences that are hard to read, probably.

So, sitting here, contemplating life, music, friendship and whatsmore, I found out that I have troubles with organizing my musical taste. (I already know what Indie is though!) I came across some topic in some forum of some group, where people listed their 5 favorite songs all time, and their 5 favorite songs at the moment. I wanted to reply, somehow thinking that my lists would just slip out onto the screen… tough luck. But now my mind is experiencing this quietness of a night without music (which totally sucks) I may be able to think of my top 5 lists, because I have nothing better to do anyway.


Top 5 favorite songs All Time:
1. Piano Man
2. Hotel California
3. Old and Wise
4. Foolish Games
5. The Entertainer

Sorry, two times Billy Joel, no way to get around it, the man's just brilliant <3

Top 5 favorite songs ATM:
1. Stand Still, Look Pretty
2. I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)
3. When Susannah Cries
4. Runaway
5. Spider's Web

Ah well, had to make choices. But I think they are pretty pretty lists ^___^

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