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Iron Maiden: All Filler (except for Killers)

When people say they love Iron Maiden, I don't believe them. Have you ever actually tried listening to Powerslave or Piece of Mind? It's like eating an overcooked, flavourless steak. It'll fill you up but leave you completely unsatisfied all at once.

I remember when I was first exposing myself to Heavy Metal music when i was around 14. Iron Maiden really caught my fancy, mainly because their album covers were AMAZING. Piece of Mind was the first one I heard. I think I kind of told myself that I liked it. I really wanted to. Eddie was so fucking cool. Maybe I really did. Who knows? I tried listening to it the other day. There were a couple of good songs surrounded by some of the worst SHIT I'd ever heard in my life. Seriously, check out Quest For Fire and Die With Your Boots On and tell me I'm wrong. They were and probably still are the absolute kings of filler, averaging about 2 or 3 memorable songs per album. Seriously. What, you think The Duellists is a live favourite or something?

All that said, I find it insane that their first 2 albums (featuring a different vocalist than Bruce Dickinson) are both incredible from start to finish. Not the Iron Maiden you think you know and claim you love (even though you don't).

I guess Number Of the Beast has a few moments as well.

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