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Favored intros

Ever had a song that you liked just for its intro? Or maybe it's just that the intro is your favorite part of the whole song. I can remember liking a couple of songs just for the first few measures. Songs from some of my favorite artists for example (in no particular order)..:

The Return of the Giant Hogweed : I love the first few measures of this song. They're so catchy. But after the intro, I really get pretty bored. I mean, it's a good composition.. but, it loses my interest.

David Bowie

Future Legend : A unique album introduction, I'd say. Just a short unsung narration with quiet music in the background and some interesting sound effects here and there.

To continue with Diamond Dogs:
Diamond Dogs : Following Future Legend, I have always enjoyed the first couple measures of melody in this song. Plus, I especially like the first line: "This ain't rock n' roll, this is genocide!" A typically strange Bowie quote. :D

Dream Theater

6:00 : My favorite part of this song comes before the actual singing, which I'm a bit impartial to here :\. I like how the drums start it off, and the sounds of the guitar shortly following.

Space-Dye Vest : A sad and beautiful piece on the whole. The tune on the piano which I believe reappears at the end as well is the best part for moi. 6_6


Close to the Edge(The Solid Time of Change/Total Mass Retain/I Get Up) : :o I love this song. Since it's like, 20 minutes long, the musical intro is proportionately.. 4 minutes. It goes from quiet to crazy complex with little bursts of vocals xD and then the slow theme. Gah ^^. <3.

The Who

Won't Get Fooled Again : Why intro is favored: The synthesizer notes which stick around for the whole song but never repeat the ones in the very beginning. :]

Who Are You : =D Hooray for the opening of this song which includes everything before Roger breaks out the lead vocals. >D


Day Seven: Hope : One of my favorites from The Human Equation. Oh wait, all those tracks are my favorite. =\.. Love it most for the beginning.. which I think is found other places in the song :|

Whell, that's all I have to say. Any thoughts?

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