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All-Time favorite bands

First album: Monster
Favorite album: Ego / Delikatessen
First song: Don't remember (first w/ the scrobbler —> Beim ersten mal tut's immer weh
All-time favorite: Träumst du
Current: Under Pressure

Ah, Oomph! I love these guys. They just made songs that make me love the German language <3, and I love Dero's voice, is great in some songs (like in Zuviel Liebe kann dich töten).

System of a Down
First album: System of a Down
Favorite album: Hypnotize
First song: CUBert
All-time favorite: Hypnotize
Current: Chop Suey!

The second band I discovered after Bloodhound Gang. I just love them.

First album: Herzeleid
Favorite album: Rosenrot
First song: Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen
All-time favorite: Rosenrot / Amerika
Current: Los

The first German band I started to listen to back in September-October 2009. At the first, I didn't like them, but a few months ago, I started to like them because the newer albums (Reise, Reise; Rosenrot; Liebe is für alle da)

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