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A Weekend In The City

Here's a few new acquisitions of last week: the new A Weekend In The City from Bloc Party, the single My Twin from Katatonia and the single Sopivaa Hintaa from Jason Muuttaa Taivaaseen. Bloc Party's new album sounds great so far, maybe not as great as their previous one but the overall impression is more whole than that of the first album, Silent alarm. Katatonia's single had nice edits of the title song My Twin and cool b-sides. I'm also sure I'm going to hear more from "Jason Muuttaa Taivaaseen", one of those geeky prog-rock bands which are "so hot right now" in Finland.

Other stuff I've been listening to lately includes Empire, Eyes Open and Born In The U.K.. I've only now "discovered" Badly Drawn Boy and his song Born In The U.K. makes my hair stick up. A brilliant song.

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