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The Beach Boys U.S. Singles Collection: The Capitol Years 1962 - 1965


I love the U.S. Singles Collection: The Capitol Years 1962 - 1965 set by The Beach Boys. I've finally finished ripping all of the songs and scanning all of the CD sleeves. Overall, the sound is awesome. Pretty much the best versions of these songs appear on this set. Though I think I prefer the stereo mix of California Girls from Endless Harmony. The one that appears here is the same as the Sounds of Summer version. The volume level varies a bit more than I'd like and many songs are compressed a bit too much, but what can you do? The replication of the original 45 vinyl sleeves is one of the best things about the set. Each side of the sleeve is different. The book is great, though I wish I had a second one to rip apart and scan the photos. I know the set is pricey, but for a The Beach Boys fan, it's a must-own. Since the set stops at 1965, there will probably be at least one more set. Bring it on!

You can see scans of the covers here:

U.S. Singles Collection

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