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Soft and Strong Like Cotton

Cassie Cottonsocks.

Get to know that name (that very cool name).

Cassie has recently uploaded 3 EPs to Amie Street, the very cool music site everyone should know about and use. Her page is here:


The three EPs are of differing styles:

What impresses me most is not just that she has three differing styles but that she does each style so well. You would not know First Songs were her first songs. She sounds like she's been at this for years, with her major label sophomore release out of the way already.

This is a star in the making. Grab the music from AmieStreet while it is cheap, keep grabbing it when it isn't, it is worth every coin.

p.s. I hope she doesn't mind that I uploaded the pics from there to her last.fm page. Let me know, you know who, if she wants them gone and I will delete them. Also, if she would like, I can write up the wiki/description for her page also, but would need some basic info.

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