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New Guitar Song

I'm aware I wrote a journal yesterday but I just felt like saying this…I learned a new song on the guitar. Yay! It was a really easy song, but it's by a favorite. Aimee Mann. She's cool. Plus melancholy has always been a plus in music. The song is The Moth…a pretty little pop gem. Well executed, produced and easily a favorite of hers. (Though Save Me is still my favorite)

I already learned…Stand By Me, a tune made super famous by John Lennon, Abraham by Sufjan Stevens and Knockin' on Heaven's Door, by Bob Dylan. And naturally the opening riff to Stairway to Heaven, like all guitarists seem to learn. I'll learn Here Comes the Sun someday, considering it's my favorite song…The Beatles are after all AWESOME!

Musically my life is happy. Learning new songs, new music, etc…So there's no complaints this time around. (Nick, you Hottie McHottie!)

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