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Almost three years since I last did this survey.

Let's see how things have changed....
iTunes survery
How many songs: 4,997 (2,647 more than in 2007)

Sort by song title
First Song: A-Punk.
Last Song: '92 Subaru.

Sort by time:
Shortest Song: (Four Seconds Of Noise). 8 seconds.
Longest Song: Love Of The Ocean. 20 minutes, 29 seconds. Same song as 2007.

Sort by album:
First Song: Mama Mia from The ABBA Generation.
Last Song: He Was Worse Than The Needle He Gave You. No album listed.

Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. All the Pretty Girls. 92.
2. Be Calm.. 85.
3. Benson Hedges. 84.
4. I Wanna Be the One. 82.
5. Walking the Dog. 78.

First song that comes up on Shuffle: My Bionic Eye.

Search ….
"sex", how many songs come up? 8. (6 more than in 2007.)
"death", how many songs come up? 7. (2 more than in 2007.)
"love", how many songs come up? 306. (189 more than in 2007.)
"you", how many songs come up? 660. (341 more than in 2007.)

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