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An evening with Down

Fri 21 Mar – Down

I went to see Down with the brother of my girlfriend. I didn't know much about the band, except that it was mostly made of former Pantera members. Which of course sounded nice, even though I have never listened to Pantera much.

When we got there, there was a video playing. The video showed, among other things, the band members during a previous tour throwing furniture from a balcony to a river. It was fun, and a great way to wait for the gig to start. Everyone else should take note.

The gig itself was full of energy. The band played all their hits (or so I understood… :)). I was a bit let down by the audience, though. I thought that when I went to a metal gig, everyone would be shouting and hitting the air with their fists and stuff, but the Tampere audience was mostly kinda tame. Even though Anselmo tried to get them going.

The music was very professionally played, which was probable given the members' backgrounds. There was not much memorable stuff, except for a couple of songs. Jail was really awesome, with Bower playing the congas. It was really atmospheric. On the other end, Stone the Crow rocked really hard, and got even me along. :)

All in all, a nice experience, although I probably wont be buying any of their albums. I might buy the couple of songs, though…

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