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70's heavy metal - the best music the world can offer.

When metal was born, in the late 60's and early 70's, they didn't have the same equipment for making extreme distortion with their amps, they had to push the limit and doublejack their speakers. It doesn't get more metal than that. Pounding all the sound you can make from what you have available.

Let's start with a real classic of the classics, Deep Purple - Fireball

And then a really heavy one, considered the first heavy metal song by many!
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

One of the finest, heaviest and most powerful metal monsters..
Judas Priest - Dissident Aggressor

And we can't forget the german metal legends either!
Scorpions - He's a woman, She's a man

And then the band where Scorpions' little brother Michael ended up:
UFO - Rock Bottom

Noone can ever forget the divineness that is Dio and Blackmore:
Rainbow - Kill the King

Remembered as progrock giants, but they made their metal in the old days!
Rush - Anthem

One of the first speed metal acts of the 70's, one hell of a man!
Motörhead - Bomber

Enjoy the riff-power of this one!
Budgie - Breadfan

On of their wild ones. A crazy metal classic!
Uriah Heep - Free'n Easy

Late 70's metal anthem of the best kind!
Saxon - Judgement Day

Known for experimenting in all rock genres, Queen actually began their career as a heavy metal monster:
Queen - Stone cold Crazy

Well, hope you got some good experiences, and some of you may had a great introduction to the purest form of metal; the original 70's heavy metal! Hope you enjoyed this entry and have found yourself some good, classic metal bites to share with your friends!

Stay heavy
- Izzystone

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