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epica, threat signal, blackguard, Urn review.

Fri 5 Feb – Epica, Threat Signal, Blackguard, Urn
First was chicago viking metal Urn. They were good live, good openers, boring ass songs though.
Blackguard, were mostly alright. I have a small feeling that Blackguard are associated with scene metal, however they do not have breakdowns. At first their vocalist came up on stage in a hoodie and tight pants. The strongest part of their set was This Rounds On Me. Definetly way better than rest of their songs.
Threat Signal were tight. Main band i wanted to see. A New Beginning was awesome, Inane was really well done, and so was Rational Eyes.
Epica was all about Simone Simons. She looked fine as hell. She's really good live, good singer, and she makes all sorts of cute facial expressions on stage.

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