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My Top 10

1. Blink-182
First song: I Miss You
Fell in love with: All The Small Things
Current favorite: Pathetic

2. Angels & Airwaves
First song: The War
Fell in love with: The Adventure
Current favorite: Sirens

3. Travis
First song: Sing
Fell in love with: Side
Current favorite: Something Anything

4. Green Day
First song: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Fell in love with: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Current favorite: Suffocate

5. Snow Patrol
First song: Chasing Cars
Fell in love with: Chasing Cars
Current favorite: Crack The Shutters

6. Coldplay
First song: Speed Of Sound
Fell in love with: Clocks
Current favorite: Square One

7. Jimmy Eat World
First song: Always Be
Fell in love with: The Middle
Current favorite: Work

8. Muse
First song: Starlight
Fell in love with: Starlight
Current favorite: City Of Delusion

9. Evanescence
First song: Everybody's Fool
Fell in love with: Bring Me To Life
Current favorite: Missing

10. Descendents
First song: Hope
Fell in love with: Hope
Current favorite: When I Get Old

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