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5...4...3...2...fun!! playlist --2012 04 26--

hiii. no live bands again this week but played some songs and live recording from Biko of SONGS FOR MOMS. hooray!

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Roman Candle - LVL UP
Graveyard Shift - Bear Mountain
Venerate - Arvid Noe
Girls - Dream Apart Ment
Where Are My Bones - Fecal Scab
Girls Don't Like Me - Boy Crush
Minor Streets - D.A. Dad
Best Friends - Foozle!
Concrete Surfer - High Pop
Party Pictures - Like Claws!
Orange of My Eye - NUNCUNT
No We Didn't Know - SARALEE
Beaver Fever - Sirs
The Trees, A Stone, A Lamp. - green.means.love
Adventure Capital - Volunteer Pioneer
Uniforms - The SSRIs
Puddle At Your Toes - Nedelle
My Unborn Beautiful - Hutch And Kathy
Pop Goes the World - Barcelona
Drum Circuit's Lake - Experimental Dental School
Gale Wind Transistor - The I Live The Life Of Movie Star Secret Hideout
Knee Play - Refrigerator
Touch Music - Aged Yummy
Alisa - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
Oh Oh Oh - Kissing Book
Your Red Hair Hides a Long Neck - Wckr Spgt

Songs for Moms - Live at the Biko Garage April 15th, 2011.

Widow - Foot Foot
Holy Sky - Hurricanes of Love
Mangos (TOO!!!) - Best Fwends!
Copper - Royl Space

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