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5...4...3...2...fun!! playlist --2007 10 25--

friends joined me for this show. it was fun. they just need to learn not to touch the mics when they are on!

Subscribe to the 5...4...3...2...fun!! podcast!

I'm In Love With Everyone I Know - Marc With A C
Cold Lamp With You - Dustin and the Furniture
Barn Burning - a drum and an open window
No One is an Extra - Jehovas Fitness


i'm in love with the living and the dead - dave dondero
ashes on the highway - dave dondero
Laying Low in Eli, Nevada - David Dondero
Hurricane - Tall Tales
The Glow - Tall Tales

Jason Clackley live at the Belefonte October 19th

Swing Me Gently - Galleons Lap
Witches - Blackbird Raum
A Bird Could Lose Its Voice - Fred Thomas & Juan Garcia
You Can Tell - Bears
New House - My Feral Kin
The Song Is You - Antarctica Takes It!
ocean song - Transistor Radio Sound
springtime now - Wabash

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