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Christmas Analogue Island Special. Available on iTunes as a Podcast..

Join me on iTunes for the debut podcast of the popular Analogue Island net radio show. This episode is the Xmas Day 2 hour Analogue Island special, complete with faux party atmosphere. http://www.analogueisland.co.uk/Site_9/Podcast/Podcast.html

Come with me on a Christmas journey, on Christmas night, to a place of winter magic. Meet Santa and his happy helpful elves, as they wend their weary way home after a busy festive season. Marvel as I stop his sleigh and invite him to join us for a spot of mulled wine, rest a while, and listen as some of the finest musical acts in the known universe perform for his entertainment. Then, once he is refreshed and merry, we can send him on his way, before we call the Cops and tell them a red suited man with a white beard is driving a team of reindeer and a sleigh under the influence.

Yes there's another quiz too. This time you have to be eagle eared (?) and spot the deliberately incorrect historical reference. You'll have to listen carefully. But if you do spot it you have a chance to win a copy of the new HealeyIsland CD, 'Not Afternoon, But Evening', in limited edition metal box. Simply listen to the show and, if you hear the mistake, write in to analogueisland me.com (I've written it like this to avoid spammers), tell me how the historical reference is incorrect, and your name will be entered into a blind draw. This competition closes on Boxing Day so be quick! COMPETITION NOW CLOSED.

Happy Christmas.

On the show in no particular order are.

Xurxo Romaní
Frances Baskerville
Toru & Kojima
Brad Fielder
Leaping Boy
The Wind Whistles
Professor Kliq
Frost Faire
Duo Oszedo

Remember this is not a podcast.

Streamed online by Penwith Radio http://penwithradio.org

New one-hour show each Friday 8.30pm UTC/GMT.
Listen to the previous week's show on Friday from 7.30pm GMT

Repeats are played out on Thursdays @ 8pm UTC/GMT.

If you are confused about the time the show goes out - go here and scroll down http://analogueisland.blogspot.com/ to see a clock showing the time in the UK now.

Alternatively, here is your time machine: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

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