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ANALOGUE ISLAND 22 - REPAST - 2nd October 2009

Analogue Island 22 - 2nd october 2009 REPAST


A smorgasbord of sensations. A buffet of various treats. A bag of chips and batter bits. All this and you won't gain any weight. From dark and ominous appetizers to smooth jazz electronic styled main courses. Bring your bib and tuck in. No knives, forks or spoons needed.

Crimson Death
Givichy Universal
Tusk Lord
Tank Chinaski
general fuzz
The Artbreaker
Greg Punkov

This weeks new one-hour show 2nd of October, Friday 8.30pm UTC+1/GMT+1.

Listen to the previous week's show also on Friday from 7.30pm GMT +1

Repeats are played out on Thursdays @ 8pm UTC+1/GMT+1.

If you are confused about the time the show goes out - go here and scroll down http://analogueisland.blogspot.com/ to see a clock showing the time in the UK now.

Alternatively, here is your time machine: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Here is your station: http://www.penwithradio.co.uk/

If you are in the mood for reviews check out these recently published on the superb Redefine and Phlow websites. Both these publications are worth visiting on a regular basis as they provide a variety of intelligent and interesting content for the follower of independent music. Definitely worth bookmarking.

Redefine review of 23 Seconds compilation A Short Cut Past The Fear

Redefine review of Dean Woods album Ahhhmend on Rack and Ruin Records

Phlow review of Bitbasic's album Sprinkling Rainbows on Monotonik


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