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Scrobblujesz ze Spotify?

Powiąż swoje konto Spotify ze swoim kontem Last.fm i scrobbluj wszystko czego słuchasz z aplikacji Spotify na każdym urządzeniu lub platformie.

Powiąż ze Spotify


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Attention Web Designers: We got CSS here!

New group "CSS Web Designers" is for those of you who do CSS-based web layouts (as opposed to old-hack table layouts).

It's also for those who are learning to make the switch from table layouts to CSS.

Come and discuss your CSS woes, success stories, or help others if you consider yourself a CSS expert. ;-)

As long as you have an interest in making the net a better place with CSS, you're welcome!

Table-based troublemakers will be shown the door. :-P

CSS Web Designers Group

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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