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Sountrack of your life-thingy

I saw this quiz in some guys journal, I've seen it before but never had the time to do it. But since I can't sleep, here goes nothing:

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool…
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!

Opening credits
Stay Free
-Not bad, kinda sounds like the opening of a movie. Also the meaning of it kinda stands for my beliefs, stay free and all that…

Waking up
It's Not The Fall That Hurts
-Ok… "It's not the fall that hurts, it's when you hit the ground", makes sense I guess… Somehow…

First day of school
Made in England
-This however doesn't make any sense at all…

Falling in love
Lock 'n Load
-Once again, this doesn't make any sense at all, he talks about religion and stuff, and I don't really see the connection with falling in love… Unless I fall in love with a catholic priest… :S

First Song
Somebody To Love
-Now THIS would have made a perfect song for the Falling in love-part, but that would have been kinda kreepy I guess.

Fight Song
The Road
-"The road is fucking hard, the road is fucking tough". Guess I could fight to this…

Breaking Up
-Kinda sexy song, actually sounds more like the stuff you do before you break up. ;)

We Got Two Jealous Agains
-You can't go wrong with NOFX on a prom. :D

You've Got A Friend
-Well that's kinda nice. :)

Mental Breakdown
On A Plain
-From Unplugged in New York. I guess it sort of has the kind of sound that would fit at this point.

Ball and Chain
I have way to many Social Distorion songs, I really don't like them that much. Tempted to take the next song instead, but I guess this will have to do. Not that bad driving music I guess…

Super Mario Bros 3 - Overworld 2
-This is such a perfect song for a flashback, since I basicly grew up playing on my NES. Awesome! :D

Getting back together
One Day All This Could Be Yours
-Kinda weird song that really doesn't make any sense and isn't exactly Getting back together-music…

Colossus U.S.A.
-Oh, man… With this kind of music playing at my wedding I have to marry a real rock chick, awesome! :D

Birth of child
Animals And Corn
-I shouldn't have so much comedy in my music library, this doesn't make any sense either. Guess the kid will have a good sense of humor. :)

Final Battle
-Well, maybe not the best kind of battle music, but it could have been worse.

Death Scene
Necrotism: Decanting the Insalubrious (Cyborg Midnight) Part 7
-It has a kind of nice ending that's not totaly wrong here.

Funeral Song
-Nice song, not that sappy and not too aggressive. Nice funeral song actually, the kind that makes you feel kinda happy inside.

End Credits
Leches & Lures
-"Why do women have legs? So their feet don't smell like pussy". Might as well go out with a bang! :D

Not the songs that I would have hoped for, but I guess thats kind of the point of this game. Some were funny, but most were just weird. Will have to do it again some day. :)

(I can't believe I actually made all of these links, I really have to go to sleep…)

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