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How To Buy: Steve Vai

This is basically a stolen idea from a large number of magazines. I've been thinking of doing it for some time, but another journal I saw today made me think it was worthwhile to do it now. I might turn this into a series of journals, who knows?

The basic idea is an article naming the album that a new listener should buy first by a particular artist, two runner up albums and two that I'd advise people to avoid until last. As I saw one of these for Steve Vai in Total Guitar magazine recently that I disagreed with, I thought I'd start with him.

Buy first:
Passion & Warfare

TG put Fire Garden first! Can you believe that? Passion & Warfare is probably unequaled among Vai's solo albums for every song having its own unique identity. It only takes one listen through to learn which tracks are which. Liberty is a great opening track with a melody that can be easily hummed and memorised. A great composition in my opinion. Maybe not quite as flashy as some other Vai stuff but don't worry, that's coming. Erotic Nightmares and The Audience is Listening fulfil the heaviness quota for the album, with EN's intro riff being one of my favourite riffs ever. TAiL definitely stands out as unique, if you've heard it you'll know what I mean. It'd be silly for me to list every track, as with the exception of about two near the end they are all among Vai's finest work in my opinion.

And of course there's also For the Love of God. Many say its overrated, but (although I've never counted) I suspect many more list it as one of the greatest guitar tracks (and solos) ever often putting it up there with Stairway to Heaven and Eruption.

Then buy:
Alive in an Ultra World

David Lee Roth's Eat 'Em and Smile and Skyscraper are great albums featuring Vai, but for me Skyscraper is a little bit better. There are a lot of tracks on both albums co-penned by Vai, of which Knucklebones and Skyscraper are standouts. Sure there's no Yankee Rose but the song writing is better…I think.

As for Alive in an Ultra World, its a concept album, so I'm maybe overly partial to it. Whispering A Prayer (The song written for Ireland but ultimately recorded in Argentina) is a brilliant instrumental ballad, while Giant Balls Of Gold flies the flag for heavy metal, shred and Poland. Light of the Moon (Australia) (for some reason that's the way it's tagged on last.fm) is in my opinnion one of his greatest vocal ballads (along with The Ultra Zone's I'll Be Around) While not always completely obvious, the traditional national music Vai must have assimilated to write this album makes very interesting listening. Did I mention its a live double album?

Leave 'til last:
The Ultra Zone
Slip of the Tongue

Well, TG said Slip Of The Tongue and Flex-able Leftovers, of which, the Whitesnake one isn't great (mostly because it was really an album of its time), but I refuse to count Flex-able Leftovers as an album, the same way that I've not mentioned any 'best-of's.

The Ultra Zone was, for me, the next one in line to take the place of Flex-able Leftovers. There are some very good songs on it, mostly in the vocals section of the album. Asian Sky is pretty good, as is Here I Am and the previously mentioned I'll Be Around. Also, from the instrumental section, the title track and Fever Dream are pretty good in my opinion. Most people will hear Jibboom before they buy this album, and it sounds good at first, but it gets really tiresome. As for the rest of the album? It's pretty sub-par to say the least. The opening track The Blood & Tears is seemingly an attempt to be cultural and a warm up for Alive in an Ultra World (as is, (possibly) Lucky Charms) but I can't stand either of them. The album is littered with what appear to be gimmicks that don't really work. Or that's my opinion anyway.

Okay, if a potential new Vai fan reads this journal, then I hope its helpful to them. Feel free to post feedback.

On the other hand, if you're a big time Vai fan then I'd still love to hear from you: do you agree or disagree with my picks? don't forget, if you're disagreeing, to try and justify your differences. No "OMG Ultra Zone RULZ!!!oneone1!" Cos that doesn't help anyone.

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