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After having recommended them in five or seven groups, I thought I have to write a journal about them! Yes, Gazpacho is that kind of band, which absorbs you, triggering your impulse to do something about it. :)

I haven't been impressed by anything that much since a long time, besides maybe Chroma Key a few months back, but this recent experience turned out more intense for me.

You will be surprised when you read their bio, seeing that they are around since 1996. Luckily a tour with Marillion threw some light on them, but there are still only around 700 listeners on last.fm.

Their arrangements are so well-rounded, peppered with little surprises and professional… And then they have a wonderful vocalist, he's virtually melting with the music. :) His vocal is sometimes reminiscent of Morten Harket of a-ha. There is a very nice female vocalist from time to time - and her presence is certainly not cosmetic! :)

I simply can't grasp how they are still so "obscure". Ok, they aren't signed to any label (another miracle, given the quality of their work), but stil…

I especially enjoyed their debut album Bravo (1996) and their newest release Night (2007).

A lot of their tracks are fully streamable on last.fm, so don't let this one pass, go and check them out. You might also want to have a look at the last.fm fan group Gazpacho.

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