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Top 10

1. Incubus
First Song: Incubus - Drive
Fell In Love: Incubus - Wish You Were Here
Current Favorite: Incubus - Dig

2. Dashboard Confessional
First Song: Dashboard Confessional - Screaming Infidelities
Fell In Love: Dashboard Confessional - Age Six Racer
Current Favorite: Dashboard Confessional - Remember to Breathe

3. Angels & Airwaves
First Song: Angels & Airwaves - The Adventure
Fell In Love: Angels & Airwaves - The Adventure
Current Favorite: Angels & Airwaves - Star of Bethlehem

4. 植松伸夫
First Song: 植松伸夫 – Prelude
Fell In Love: 植松伸夫 – Fisherman's Horizon
Current Favorite: 植松伸夫 – Movin'

5. blink-182
First Song: blink-182 - All the Small Things
Fell In Love: blink-182 - What's My Age Again?
Current Favorite: blink-182 - Man Overboard

6. Secondhand Serenade
First Song: Secondhand Serenade - Vulnerable
Fell In Love: Secondhand Serenade - Vulnerable
Current Favorite: Secondhand Serenade - Broken

7. Funeral for a Friend
First Song: Funeral for a Friend – She Drove Me to Daytime Television
Fell In Love: Funeral for a Friend – Your Revolution Is a Joke
Current Favorite: Funeral for a Friend – Sunday Bloody Sunday

8. Lostprophets
First Song: Lostprophets - The Fake Sound of Progress
Fell In Love: Lostprophets - ...And She Told Me To Leave
Current Favorite: Lostprophets - A Town Called Hypocrisy

9. Muse
First Song: Muse - New Born
Fell In Love: Muse - Bliss
Current Favorite: Muse - Take a Bow

10. Fightstar
Fisrt Sing: Fightstar - Palahnuik's Laughter
Fell In Love: Fightstar - Lost Like Tears In Rain
Current Favorite: Fightstar - Grand Unification Part 2

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