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Rank the Albums: Ringo Shiina + Tokyo Jihen

I may as well do these two together since they're similar entities!

10. 平成風俗
I'm not saying this is bad, but it's more of a compilation album than anything is it? Of course the re-working of ギャンブル is fantastic.

09. 唄ひ手冥利~其ノ壱~
Covers. You know how I feel about them. This one is rather good though.

08. 娯楽
Unlike a lot of TJ fans, I don't actually hate this album. It's fun and I like its, well, variety.

07. 教育
Also unlike a lot of fans, I don't bum this album too much. It's good, but some of the songs are a little bland.

06. 三文ゴッシプ
SG was the return of Ringo and it was about time. Some of the songs are forgettable, but there's some fantastic ones close to the end.

05. 勝訴ストリップ
Probably Ringo's most accessible album which isn't a bad thing.

04. 大人
Fantastic album. Very good.

03. 無罪モラトリアム
Muzai is probably my all-time favourite Ringo album. All the songs are memorable and the production is great.

02. スポーツ
I absolutely love Sports. It's truly TJ's best album so far.

01. 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花
This album is really perfect. The melodies, the lyrics and all the extras. It's amazing that Ringo managed to make this on her own.

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