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☺ ☺ ☺ Evanescence and Nightwish are Plagiarists ☺ ☺ ☺

Odes of Ecstasy - Embossed Dream in Four Acts (June 1998)


(You can buy this album here)

Evanescence - Evanescence EP (December 1998)


(This EP is legally free and downloadable here)

Nightwish - Once (June 2004)


(Do I need to tell You where to get this?)

Well those similar album arts shouldn't be a coincidence, there must be something in common between them, all I can tell is the presence of on all those 3 albums, but there should be more…
but more importantly, what the heck is so special in that sleeping angel cover art to be worth plagiarizing?

Opinions are welcome but I would really appreciate some facts.

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