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All Time Favs...

Just a list of my all time fav. songs by my all time fav. artist: Mariah Carey.

2.Long Ago (95')
3.Honey (97')
4.The Roof (97')
5.Lullaby (2002)

Slow Jams/Ballads
1.Can't Let Go (1991)
2.Without You (93')
3.My All (97')
4.After Tonight (99')
5.Circles (2005)

Songs that just missed the mark:

Do You Think Of Me? (93'), All I've Ever Wanted (93') God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (94'), O' Holy Night (93'), Forever (95'), Looking In (95'), Butterfly (97'), I Still Believe (98'), Heartbreaker & Heartbreaker (remix) (99'), I Only Wanted (2002).

Other all time favs lists by other fav artists coming soon. Will include: Evanescence, Garbage, Depeche Mode, The Killers, No Doubt, Janet Jackson, Madonna and the Spice Girls.

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