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The Music of 2010.

-to be finished in the next couple of days-

Great songs released in 2010:
-n.b.: the videos are attached to give you an opportunity to listen to the songs in their full length. Only some of them are official videos.

Blood Red Shoes - Colours Fade


Broken Bells - Citizen


Captain Ahab - Acting Hard


Crystal Castles - Doe Deer


Darwin Deez - Radar Detector


The Drums - Best Friend


Jónsi - Around Us


Lena - Satellite


Los Campesinos! - There Are Listed Buildings


Magnetic Fields - The Book of Love


Robyn - Don't Fucking Tell Me What to Do


Shout Out Louds - Show Me Something New


Sufjan Stevens - Arnika


Titus Andronicus - A More Perfect Union


Tokyo Police Club - Breakneck Speed


Twin Shadow - Tether Beat


Two Door Cinema Club - Something Good Can Work


Wolf Parade - Cloud Shadow on the Mountain


Xiu Xiu - Gray Death


While this was really tough, I'm singling out only the 3 songs that I would deem my absolute favourites of the year:

03. These New Puritans - We Want War


02. Japandroids - Younger Us


01. HEALTH - USA Boys


My Top 5 albums released in 2010:

05. Jónsi - Go


04. The Drums - The Drums


03. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles II


So far, Crystal Castles appear to be rather unable to disappoint me. Their second album is a bit colder than their first, and it is also less playful, but the band's writing skills have improved and it shows. While there is no iencredible standout track such as "Untrust Us" of their first album, the overall listening experience is more intense and rewarding.

02. These New Puritans - Hidden


"Hidden" is an astonishing effort in that the music on the album sounds new. Innovation is this album's great triumph: TNP mix classical elements, rock music, electronica, sword samples and goth and the result sounds so fresh and exciting that it seems almost impossible not to like this album. This is what people will speak about when the decade ends, that's for sure - the songwriting is excellent, the musicianship showcased is impressive and you can tell that Mr Barnett is a bit of a perfectionist. Still, you can feel that there is a heart beating behind all the technical achievements, and that might just be why I love this album so much.

01.Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz


"The Age of Adz" is such a fully realized album in all its ambitions that I find it almost scary. Sufjan Stevens combines fabulous lyrics about love, madness, religion and a bunch of other topics with a richly textured mixture of his typical instruments and bleeping electronica. In its high concept, "The Age of Adz" is a full success, from the artwork to the climactic build-ups, this is an almost flawless album and ranking only millimetres behind his masterpiece "Illinois."


Of course. There are some albums that I need to spend more time with in order to be able to fully appreciate them. Most notably Have One On Me by the great Joanna Newsom and The Suburbs by Arcade Fire.

Generally speaking, Sufjan Stevens was the massive breakthrough artist in my charts this year. This is probably due to the fact that he created some of the most amazing music in the past decade, and apparently, he is very willing to continue in this fashion.

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