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Podcast Episode 30: Dance Dance Dance!

On March 30, 2012, 5 Song Set released Episode 30 of the podcast. In this episode, I have five tracks of music you can totally dance to. The bands are all from Eastern Europe and Brazil, which makes for a fun, international mix. Much of the music is available for free download, so check out the show notes for more info. The songs in this episode are:

- Ti nikad nećes znati srce jedne žene (vs. Zdenka Kovačiček) by SevdahBABY
- Tanečná by Hudba z Marsu
- Amor Sustentável by Anelis
- Digadinovo by Seu Bené
- Techno by Epic Lyrical

Many thanks to all the musicians in this podcasts for giving me permission to use their songs. More information about the artists and songs can be found in the show notes for the episode. More information is also available at the podcast website, http://5songset.net.

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