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Podcast Episode 1

On January 14, 2011, 5 Song Set released Episode 1 of the podcast. This first episode was dedicated to Cab Calloway, an iconic figure in American jazz, and his fabulous, fun music. All the music from this episode is freely available from the Internet Archive's 78RPM and Cylinder Recording's page. Songs in this episode are "Minnie the Moocher", which was performed in the movie "The Blues Brothers", "You Ain't Done a Doggone Thing", "Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea" fom 1931, "Everybody Eats When They Come To My House", and "The Jumpin' Jive", which Cab Calloway performed with the two headed monster on Sesame Street in 1981. Cab Calloway - awesome!

Want to know more about Cab Calloway and the language in his music? Check out the Hepster's Dictionary. You'll be glad you did. More information about the songs can be found in the show notes for the episode. More information is also available at the podcast website, http://5songset.net.

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