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I am kind of obsessed with numbers. Seven is my favourite number. So I am kind of really obsessed with the number 7. Why? No idea.

This "obsession" has affected my last.fm account before. When I was "loving" tracks as I listened to new music, I reached 77 "loved tracks". Then I kind of stopped "loving" tracks. For quite a while, when I really wanted to add a new track to that list, I'd go and delete another track to keep the total number of "loved" tracks at 77. I got overwhelmed when going through Radiohead 's discography a while ago and I no longer have 77 "loved" tracks. Damn shame.

ANYWAY, this journal entry is about Seven's and Radiohead. I just now scrobbled my 7777th Radiohead track. Since The King of Limbs was released last month and I downloaded my copy, I haven't been listening to anything but Radiohead. Yeah, I listened exclusively to Radiohead for a over a month. FELT GOOD! Anyway, I had around 6800 something Radiohead plays back then.

So I decided I'd keep scrobbling only Radiohead till I hit 7777, and then stop. Why? Becauyse 7777 is such a beautiful, cool, amazing number. And Radiohead is my favourite band and definitely the best band in the world… so yeah.

I really don't know how long I can resist not listening to them, but I'll try to keep the 7777 in my charts as long as I can. (watching Radiohead videos does NOT count as cheating!)

Some random semi-related facts:

* My first Radiohead scrobble, which is also my first scrobble ever, is:
Radiohead - Let Down which I listened to on 11 March 2008. Time flies!

* My most played Radiohead track is:
Radiohead - Idioteque with 251 scrobbles. Does that mean it's my favourite Radiohead track? No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't think I'll ever be able to choose a single favourite Radiohead track, ever.

* I have 25 "loved" Radiohead tracks. That is 27.1739% of my loved tracks.

* I have listened to I Might Be Wrong 77 times. I wasn't aware of this until 5 minutes ago.

* My 7777th Radiohead play was Street Spirit (Fade Out). I chose this song to be the last Radiohead song of this marathon on purpose. Because despite being astoundingly beatiful and one of the best pieces of music in the whole world, it always had some sort of "it's over" feel to me.

EDIT: Today, 12 October 2011, I will resume listening to Radiohead again. I can't believe I went with this for 8 months. Wow. Now is a good time to resume listening to Radiohead because I soon won't be able to listen to any music for a while… I need some Radiohead in my system!

P.S. I'm having problems scrobbling, so my scrobbles might not appear for a while.

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