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My Chemical Romance: The Hate They Receive

Copied from my post on I Hate Music Snobs:

Out of the artists I listen to, My Chemical Romance is certainly the most bashed and bullied band (both on and off net). I can't get through first period without hearing a remark against them - or me, for liking the band. There was one instance when I was in an 8th grade classroom making up a test (I'm in 7th), and a boy from said class felt it necessary to turn around, and tell me that "My Chemical Romance suck." I had no idea who this kid was, and would most likely never see him again; but because I was wearing the band's hoodie, he felt it was necessary to express his opinions. Not to mention all of the "My Chemical Romance should die" messages I've read on the bathroom stalls, and similar things etched on desks. Their last.fm page is littered with trolls, to the point where I might say there are more hate shouts than those from fans. The media has attacked them countless times: claiming they promote violence, glamorize suicide/self-injury, are responsible for multiple teen suicides, are leaders of a "dangerous emo death cult", among many other ridiculous things. Fans have been beaten by strangers to the point of hospitalization (at random and during festivals), and harassment in public places is disturbingly common - all just for wearing a t-shirt. There is this gross stigma that the band and their fans are all "bad, trouble making people who are also emo and cut for fun". I've had numerous adults give me disapproving looks upon noticing any band merchandise I may be wearing, and there are even some teachers at our school that will vocally announce they think the band is a bad influence on kids. A few fans have reported being called down to guidance, or checked on by teachers because they were concerned these kids were self-harming. Their reason? People thought they were "emo" for listening to the band, and therefore must cut themselves. Numerous rumors have been started about me personally stating that I take drugs, cut myself, and want to die. When I asked why they think these things, their response is always "'because you listen to My Chemical Romance". I'm not going to lie, I've had my struggles in the past with depression; but none of it was caused because I listened to a band, and My Chemical Romance actually helped me through it. Which I think is the most frustrating part of this situation: the band has always aimed to help kids through the uglier spots in life (see: thankyoumcr.net), and now everyone is twisting that around and claiming just the opposite.

It's absolutely ridiculous, and needs to stop now.

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