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country music: characteristic bands + users (by comparing several last.fm groups)

full report available here (incl. last.fm account for playing/user identifying)

this week leading…
Alan Jackson
Kenny Chesney
Brooks & Dunn

(click image to see more)


also in list:
George Strait
Brad Paisley
Toby Keith
Luke Bryan
Garth Brooks

groups included:
Country Folk Blues
Country Music - The Real Stuff
Alternative Country
REAL Country
Country Fans
Country Singers
Country from before country sucked
Classic Country
Country Time
Born Country
We love country…and we're not ashamed to admit it!
Original American Country
The Divas of Country
CMT - Country Music Television
New Traditional Country
Australian Country Music
90's Country
Country Heaven
Country Artist of the Week
UK Country Fans
New Country
Country Türkiye
Howdy! Country Music Group
Modern Country Music


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