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Band/Songs Meme

Pick a band/singer and use their song titles to fill in the answers.

Artist: artist]Girls Aloud

Are you male or female?
Girls Allowed

Describe yourself?
Sound of the Underground

How do you feel about yourself?
Deadlines and Diets

Describe what you are thinking right now?
Revolution in The Head

Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend?
Graffiti My Soul

Describe where you currently live?
Whole Lotta History

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Swinging London Town

8] Your best friend is?

What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
Some Kind of Miracle

You know that:
I'll Stand By You

What's the weather like?
Life Got Cold

If your life was a television show, what would it be called?
Something Kinda Ooooh

What is life to you?
Real Life

What is the best advice you have to give?
Love is the Key

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Girl Overboard

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