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Plan-It-X Fest '11 in Bloomington, IN, USA

Plan-It-X Fest!
Friday 24 June 2011 – Sunday 26 June 2011

"35+ bands and numerous other events all related to DIY music and radical nerd punk anarchism geeks.

Only 600 tickets will be sold. They will be $30 each. It is a BENEFIT SHOW!!!!! (touring bands will be paid and a few other expenses, but, nearly all of the money will be for the benefit) TICKETS go on sale soon! STAY TUNED!

The venue for shows is Rhino’s All Ages Music Club. The Bishop is the venue for the after parties."

Kimya Dawson
Defiance, Ohio
David Dondero
The Mountain Goats
Paul Baribeau
Matty Pop Chart
Andrew Jackson Jihad
Ghost Mice
The Max Levine Ensemble
The Taxpayers
Watercolor Paintings
The Wild
Madeline Ava
Pink Houses
Dave Dean's Musical Forklift
One Night Stand in North Dakota
Ramshackle Glory
Nana Grizol
Best Friends Forever
Your Heart Breaks
Good Luck
Eric Ayotte
Toby Foster
Brooke Pridemore
Bad Banana
Dead Friends

Let me know if I forgot anyone!

331 S. Walnut Street
Bloomington IN 47401
United States


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