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December CD Buys

Behold, my eclectic acquisitions for this final month of 2009!

>> Julie Andrews: Christmas With Julie Andrews
My new Christmas CD for 2009. When you think about it, her voice is perfect for traditional Christmas carols. A nice addition to my holiday collection.

>> Tony Banks: A Curious Feeling
My favorite album of all time, remixed and remastered by Genesis engineer Nick Davis. Naturally, I got the deluxe edition which also features a new 5.1 surround mix of the album. The restoration work on this masterpiece is amazing, and the album sounds better than ever before, without the layer of cotton over the sound that the previous CD had.

>> Dimitri From Paris: Sacrebleu
Addicting electro-lounge and a great CD to chill out to. This album was of particular interest to me since it contains the song "Love Love Mode", which Dimitri reworked and reconstructed to turn into "Neko Mimi Mode", the opening theme song for one of my favorite anime titles: Moon Phase.

>> Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Night Castle

I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but it's the long-awaited new album from the band best known for its Christmas works.

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