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Dream Festival Lineup

Thought this seemed like a fun way to waste a boring evening in…

Take eight artists that should play at your festival and determine their set lists:
• The first one plays 5 songs.
• The second one plays 5 songs.
• The third one plays 5 songs.
• The fourth one plays 7 songs.
• The fifth one plays 7 songs.
• The sixth one plays 10 songs.
• The seventh one plays 10 songs.
• The headliner plays 14 songs, with a 2 song encore

First Artist: Gogol Bordello
1) Not A Crime
2) Think Locally, Fuck Globally
3) American Wedding
4) Wonderlust King
5) Start Wearing Purple

Second Artist: Midnight Juggernauts
1) Road To Recovery
2) Raised By Wolves
3) Into The Galaxy
4) Shadows
5) Tombstone

Third Artist: The Presets
1) Girl And The Sea
2) Talk Like That
3) This Boy's In Love
4) Are You The One?
5) My People

Fourth Artist: Does It Offend You, Yeah?
1) Being Bad Feels Pretty Good
2) Doomed Now
3) Let's Make Out
4) Battle Royale
5) With A Heavy Heart (I Regret To Inform You)
6) Weird Science
7) We Are Rockstars

Fifth Artist: Ladytron
1) Black Cat
2) I'm Not Scared
3) Seventeen
4) Soft Power
5) Ghosts
6) International Dateline
7) Destroy Everything You Touch

Sixth Artist: Peaches
1) Operate
2) Back It Up, Boys
3) Hit It Hard
4) Rock Show
5) Two Guys (For Every Girl)
6) Set It Off
7) Boys Wanna Be Her
8) Shake Yer Dix
9) Kick It
10) Fuck The Pain Away

Seventh Artist: Crystal Castles
1) Through The Hosiery
2) Knights
3) Black Panther
4) 1991
5) Xxzxcuzx Me
6) Air War
7) Courtship Dating
8) Baptism
9) Yes No
10) Alice Practice

Headline Artist: Björk
1) Earth Intruders
2) Wanderlust
3) The Dull Flame Of Desire
4) Joga
5) Play Dead
6) Isobel
7) Venus As A Boy
8) Bachelorette
9) Hunter
10) Alarm Call
11) Violently Happy
12) I Miss You
13) Hyperballad
14) Pluto
15) Army Of Me
16) Declare Independence

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