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43% damaged ears

Fri 12 Nov – The Dillinger Escape Plan, Seven Percent Mind Usage

Second time i've seen The Dillinger Escape Plan live, and IMO i'd go for another and another and another anytime. When Greg Puciato said: "We can do the whole set again, if you'd like", I realized just how much of an enegry six-pack this band is live.

As for the setlist - it was close to perfection, only missing "Baby's First Coffin" to achieve that title. Highlights were "When Good Dogs Do Bad Things", "Sugar Coated Sour", "Good Neighbor" and "Mouth Of Ghosts".

Although the sound quality was terrible, simply awful at times (with random guitar parts blocked behind a wall of thick bass), the band didn't seem to bother and went on with the set…tearing the stage apart, literally. If you were able to have a remote, and push the 'mute' button, the mere expressions and movement on stage could've seemed like they belonged in some cushioned room deep inside a mental hospital - and that's a compliment.

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