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iTunes Survah


01 Mar 2009, 12:24
I currently have:
- 2440 songs
- 8 days
- 17.40 GB (WTF)

Sort by artist:
+ First
AC/DC (muck)

- Last
Zero 7

Sort by song title:
+ First Song
Abandoned Ship Bells

- Last Song
9 39

Sort by time:
- Shortest Song
Bit (0:06)

+ Longest Song
Discreet Music (30:35)

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
1. Flim
2. Girl/Boy Song
3. Dayvan Cowboy
4. Little Fluffy Clouds
5. J'Ai Dormi Sous L'Eau (Live BBC 1998)
6. Bucephalus Bouncing Ball
7. Peacock Tail
8. The Sunshine Underground
9. Z Twig
10. Go! Spastic

First five songs that comes up on Shuffle:
01. Twoism
02. Exit Music(for a film)
03. Oh Me
04. Heliosphan
05. Let There Be Light

"sex", how many songs come up?: ( 8 )…all different versions of 'Sexy Boy' by Air
"love", how many songs come up?: (43)
"you", how many songs come up?: (266) (a lot of which Sonic YOUth)
"death", how many songs come up?: (27) …more than half of which is Death to the Pixies
"hate", how many songs come up?: (2)
"wish" how many songs come up?: (13)
"dream" how many songs come up?: (59)

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