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Search for a Perfect Society

So… I'm taking a class that shares its name with the name of this journal entry: "Search for a Perfect Society." In this class, we read books and analyze the societies within them. The books are Candide, The Beach, V for Vendetta, The Handmaid's Tale, Cat's Cradle, and Brave New World. While reading V for Vendetta, an idea came to me: To create a musical playlist to serve as a soundtrack for the course. I intended to incorporate music that applied thematically, lyrically, or appeared in one of the books. I also included the songs from the soundtrack to the movie version of The Beach, which we watched in class. Once the playlist is satisfactorily finished, I'll burn copies (in data CD format, to preserve track information and allow for more songs) for everyone else in the class, which ends with this semester. My current playlist is as follows.

SfaPS Playlist

1812 Overture
The Umbrella Corporation
Happy Nation
Der Kommissar (considering swapping this one out for Der Kommissar)
Pure Shores
Return of Django
Richard, It's Business as Usual
Who Killed Mr. Moonlight
On Your Own (Crouch End Broadway mix)
The Weird Revolution
The Dark Age of Love
Voices (feat. Vanessa Quinones)
The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty)
The Man Who Sold the World
I'm Afraid of Americans
This Vicious Cabaret
V's Theme (outro)
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
Welcome to the Fold
The Crystal Lake
Nonphenomenal Lineage
Symphony No. 5 (1808): I.
Trigger for Happiness (Trimmed)
Butterfly Wings
Ancestor Cult
Terminal City
Golgotha Tenement Blues
Dancing in the Street
The Scorpion
Isle of Man (version II)
Yeke Yeke (Hard Floor mix)
March of the Pigs
Drop the World
Leave It Alone
Perfect Government
Just the Flu
Eat the Meek
The Decline
You Lot
Another Brick In The Wall (Pt. 1, 2, 3 Special Mix)
Goodbye Blue Sky
Welcome to the Machine
Ich Bin Ein Auslander
The Sound of Muzak
Alpha Omega
Silent Scream
Revolution Now
Streets of London
Sympathy for the Devil
Spinning Away
City Hall
Love Is as Good as Soma
8 Ball
Lonely Soul
I'm Waiting for the Man

Currently, the playlist is 695 megabytes. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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