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Radio Shuffle Survey

Okay, decided to try something new and did this one with my Neighbor Radio:

Question: What does next year have in store for me?
Answer: Ka-Boom Ka-Boom
Comment: "Nothing in this world is for real except you are for me and I am so yours." Umm, right. Great song, tho'.

Q: How would I describe my life at the moment?
A: Lonely Day
C: Well… *chuckle*

Q: What's my love life like?
A: Astral Romance
C: *laughs* Yeah, something like that.

Q: What are your feelings about your current fling?
A: Only In My Tears It Lasts
C: That's right. Though, what fling?

Q: What do I say when life gets hard?
A: Whiskey in the Jar
C: So I'll start drinking, eh?

Q: What do you think of on waking up?
A: The King of the Golden Hall
C: Yup, I think of Théoden every time I wake up. That's right. :D

Q: What song will I dance to at my wedding?
A: Kiss from a Rose
C: I wouldn't mind. And it's a waltz after all.

Q: What song will be played at my funeral?
A: In a Full Moon Procession
C: Fine with me, it's a beautiful song.

"Then the moonlight dies
And torches rise
See the crowd longing for the ritual burning
Holy rimes, as the churchbells chime
'Cause this will be my ending day"

Q: How will I be remembered?
A: Soldier of Fortune
C: Not a bad way to be remembered.

Q: What do you want as a career?
A: Trollhammaren
C: My career would be hunting Christians with a huge hammer? Right-o.

Q: Your favourite saying?
A: Ad Astra
C: Quite correct. :D

Q: Favourite place?
A: Hall of the Mountain King
C: Yeah! :D

Q: What do you think of your parents?

A: Me and a Gun
C: O_o

Q: What's your Pornstar name?
A: Cthulhu Dawn

Q: Where would you go on a first date?
A: The Mystic's Dream
C: Well, if there's such a place, I'd love to go there on a first date.

Q: Drug of choice?
A: Midnight Sunrise
C: Sounds like some drink.

Q: Describe yourself:
A: Oman
C: Hmm…

"From the body to the soul
Where our hearts lead we must go
Wherever love may flow."

Q: How would others describe you?
A: Trouble
C: No doubt. :D

Q: How does your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend see you?
A: Master of Disguise
C: LOL. Even though I have none.

Q: What is the thing I like doing most?
A: Den Sista Runans Dans
C: Singing apocalyptic songs by campfire? Oh well, why not?

Q: What is my state of mind like at the moment?
A: Under the Bridge
C: Yeah, in a way you could say that. *chuckle*

Q: Performance in the bedroom?
A: Battle Metal
C: That gives me disturbing mental images of some oiled Manowar dudes with huge broadswords. :S

Q: If I were a song, what would I be?
A: Engel
C: Iiinteresting…

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