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My Musical Progression

Circa age 12 I started broadening my musical taste. Before then I was prety much a classic rock case. You know all those generic good bands. From Zeppelin to Floyd to The Doors to Joplin to Hendrix etc. That was all I listened to and maybe add in some Nirvana and Metallica.

Now I want to list some top songs from eacho of those artists:

My favorite song from Zeppelin (very hard question) is probably Friends

The Doors:

Spanish Caravan

Janis Joplin:

Piece of my heart

Jimi Hendrix:

1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be)

Nirvana (very hard):


Very Ape

On a Plain


Seek & Destroy

Then after 12 I started to get into a lot of other music such as


Arabic music is extraordinarily beautiful and puts me into a very good mood.

Sigur Rós has played a very large part on my musical life. I have seen this incredible band twice live and both were memorable experiences I will never forget. They put me into a state mind no other music can ever achieve.


I started to get into electronica IDM house etc. Such as:


Ambicion Eterna (Feat Verny Varela)

Omid (Hope)

We Are Alive

Original Bedroom Rockers

Electronica has some absolutely incredible music.

I couldn't help but get into rap, but only good stuff. De La Soul was the first show I ever saw. A Tribe Called Quest is my favorite rap group. The Roots are awesome.

Then there is of course Israeli music. Israeli music is amazing, from Aviv Geffen to Idan Raichel Project to Mashina To Ivri Lieder to Hayehudim. Great great great music.

Then there is my mother land music, Russian music. From DDT to Kino to Mashina Vremeni.



Then of course Indie and alternative. Within the Indie and alternative genres lies so much incredible music its unfathomable. Some of my favorites:

Blue Hawaiian

Teen Age Riot

Where Is My Mind?

Kid A

Lazy Flies

Headlights Look Like Diamonds

Public Pervert

The Plan

Lover's Spit

We Both Go Down Together

Use It

You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son

The Owls Go

Oslo in the Summertime

In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Such Great Heights

Sleep the Clock Around

Music keeps us going. In the words of Kurt Vonnegut, "The only proof I need that G-d exists is music." I adore music and I am expanding my musical horizons as the days go by. There is so much phenomonal music out there and finding it makes life better. Without music there would not be happiness.

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