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New track + Scrobbling problems with WIN 7!!

Hellou! It has been a long time ago i have writed a journal. And lol yes im alivee :P I have made some new tracks on album Suicide! So please check them out :O <3

And I have found some oldy old tracks that i did before my project DJ Zick Finland in years & . I have done some changes to them and "restored" so you can find them on my album 2006~2007 - Before Future.

Maybe some people have noticed that if you have 7 your will not send the tracks to your automatically! The just work normally on XP and . But there is an solution for the Win 7 problem but you have to do it everytime you have started your computer. Open your manually before starting playing , go to Help on the menu and Diagnostics. Press Reconnect and thats it. If you have tracks that don't have been sent to your profile you will see them in the box over the Reconnect button.


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