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1 Year Anniversary

This is my list of the top 10 of pretty much everything in the last year.

1. Kelly Clarkson
2. Jay-Z
3. Elvis Costello
4. Weezer
5. Norah Jones
6. Jimmy Eat World
7. Blink-182
8. Eminem

All of these artists are actually my top 8 just a different order.

1. Bible Belt
2. Hook Me Up
3. All I Ever Wanted
4. Everything In Transit
5. The Blueprint 3
6. Asleep In The Bread Aisle
7. Pinkerton
8. One Cell In The Sea
9. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
10. Say Anything

A bit different considering my top 10 artists.

1. Sober
2. It's Alright, It's Ok
3. Where I Stood
4. This Is Called My Home
5. You're Not Sorry
6. Never Again
7. Rewind
8. In Another Life
9. Ms. Crumby
10. After Hours

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