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Interview (Violeta) Midnight Thoughts Blogspot.

Midnight Thoughts

I introduce you Alexandre – a 26 years old brazilian musician and mechanical engineer in progress.
Follow the lines if you want to know more about him.

V: So, Alex, what instruments do you play and for how long?
A:My main instrument is guitar. I started playing in 1997/98.
V: Have you attended any lessons?
A: I took lessons for a year. At that time I used to study more classical and brazilian music.
V: You have two one-man-bands. Which project was the first one? What’s the difference between them?
A: Honestly, at first I was completely against electronic drums or one-man-bands and only a few projects in this sort of style really pleased me.
My first project is called “Crushing Axes”. It was started in 2008, but the whole concept and some of the songs were already done in 2002. It’s highly influenced by the norse mythology.
The second one is called “Alex Locatelli”. It was too started in 2008, but it’smore like an instrumental project with more instruments and electronic influences. I used the warm-up sessions from the first “Crushing Axes” album and some songs recorded in 2004.
The difference between both projects is the experimental factor but my goal is always metal.
V: Where do you record your music?
A: I record everything at home and I use programmed drums.
V: You’re also a guitarist in the band “Legacy of Death”. How’s it like being in a real band? What problems have you experienced?
A: The band is kind of inactive at the moment. As a sound, “Legacy of Death” is very similar to “Crushing Axes”, except for the lyrics.
Unfortunately it’s very hard to find dedicated musicians, so at first some members didn't appear to the rehearsals. Some of them don't agree with the rest of the band, or they want more money, attention.
V: What are you currently working on?
A:I'm working on an“Alex Locatelli” album, a lot of experimental stuff. I hope to release it after the Carnival.
There is also a concept for another“Crushing Axes” album. I'm working on different beats this time.
Besides my projects, I’ll help a few friends in their recording sessions.The things are not defined yet, but I would love to co-produce an album.
V: What are your future plans in both professional aspects?
A: I’ll graduate in 2 years, so I study hard. There is a huge demand for professionals and I'm really interested in the project area. I love engineering, so any job opportunity will be great.
In musical plan, I’m learning how to play on Berimbau – an African percussion instrument used in the practice of the Afro-Brazilian martial art “Capoeira”. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to include it into the “Alex Locatelli” project.
As for “Crushing Axes”, I'm planning to record a symphonic album. I’ve tried before, but I didn't enjoy very much the results. Now I want to try again, with better software and more time to compose.
V: Since the worldwide known brazilian carnival has started, tell me more about the festival traditions there?
A: The Carnival of Brazil is an annual festival. Some performances begin a little earlier, but it supposed to begin 46 days before Easter.The carnival has roots on the pagan festival of Saturnalia, but nowadays we have a huge parade.
There are allegoric cars, colorful costumes, samba schools who compete and judges to evaluate the best.
V: Thank you so much for the interview, Alex.
A: Thanks for the opportunity.
You can check out and download for free music from his projects here:

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