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Top 2005

These are some of the best albums to have come out in 2005 if you ask me:
1-Deadwing -simply birliant. If you ask me, this is PTs masterpiece, instead of In Absentia…
2-Dream Theater-Octavarium -simple straight-forward metal, no 15 minute solos with nothing melodic in them…
3.The Mars Volta-Frances The Mute -I like the combination between classic metal, latino music elements, and more experimental, progressive elements.
4.Phoenix-Baba Novak-Romanian rock. Not sure how many have heard of them, but I tell you, they're pretty awesome
5.System of a Down-Mesmerize- Hard, yet melodic.
6.Coldplay-X&Y -Heartfelt, cool alternative rock. Really really good for a quiet evening or afternoon
7-Rammstein-Rosenrot - Ok, I guess. Not as good as the last Rammstein albums…

The greates dissapointment for me was Bruce Dickinson- Tyranny of souls. The last album he released was The Chemmical Wedding in 1998, and that one was a masterpiece, so I hoped this would be a continuation of that masterpiece… Boy, was I wrong…

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