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Random Winamp Survey Thing

So I've put my Winamp on random and here's what came up. I've added some questions too!!

1) Whippin' Piccadilly
2) Vehicles & Animals
3) Dancing in the Dark
4) I want a little sugar in my bowl
5) Dreamy
6) All Around
7) Under Pressure
8) Stillness In Time
9) Runaway
10) The Comeback
11) Father And Son
12) Give A Little Love
13) You Might Die Trying
14) Jane Doe
15) Tell Her Tonight
16) Bi-Sé I Mo Shuìl, Pt. 1
17) Crying
18) Crazy For You
19) Better
20) Come and let us sing
21) Goodbye
22) Heaven
23) Teenage Kicks
24) Helter Skelter
25) To Zion
26) All Because Of You
27) Take Me Out
28) The 3 R's (Money Mark Remash)
29) Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
30) Not Unto Us/Who Is Like The Lord (Reprise)
31) Pioneer To The Falls
32) Birthday
33) Ibrahim & Omara/Casablanca (As Time Goes By)
34) Original Of The Species
35) Steady As She Goes
36) Not Forgotten (slow version) /He knows My Name
37) High Times
38) Holds the Stars
39) Everything Is Everything
40) When I Survey

01.Do you prefer #1 or #40?
Really difficult that actually as they're both top tracks! Will have to go with #40 for now though.

02. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?

03. What album is #26 from?
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

04. What do you think about the artist who did #15?
Not bad - some good stuff there

05. Is #19 one of your favorite songs?

06. Who does #38 remind you of?
Stoney himself actually!

07. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?
Both are really good

08. Do any of your friends like #3?
I doubt it!

09. Is #33 from a movie soundtrack?

10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?

11. What does #21 remind you of?
nothing really

12. Which song do you prefer, #5 or #22?
#22 although neither is brilliant

13. What album is #17 from?

14. When did you first hear #39?
When I borrowed the CD

When the album came through the post a couple of months ago.

16. What genre is #8?

17. Do any of your friends like #14?
1 or 2

18. What color does #4 remind you of?

19. Have you ever blasted #11 on your stereo?
Nope it's not a blasty song

20. What genre is #37?

21. Can you play #13 on any instrument?

22. What is your favorite lyric from #30?
Not unto us be all glory and honour.

23. What is your favorite lyric from #23?
not really got one

24. Would you recommend #24 to your friends?

25. Is #2 a good song to dance to?
Not really

26. Do you ever hear #16 on the radio?

27. Is #32 more of a "nighttime" or "daytime" song?

28. Does #36 have any special meaning to you?

29. Do any of your friends like #31?

30. Is #25 a fast or slow song?

31. Is #35 a happy or sad song?

32. What is one of your favorite lyrics from #9?
no idea

33. Is #34 better to listen to alone or with friends?

34. When did you first hear #27?
When I bought that cd

35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did #29:
One,Angel of Harlem,Beautiful Day

36. Do you know all the words to #6?
Probably actually

37. Does #28 have better lyrics or music?

38. What album is #10 from?
Bring It On

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