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soul & indie wedding

Before my sister got married a couple of weeks ago she asked me to make a compilation for the DJ, to make sure he'd play something else than old rock and all male musicians (which he did anyway, but my compilation was still very appreciated). Here's the track list:

01. Nous ne sommes pas des anges
02. You Can't Hurry Love
03. Dreaming of You
04. See You Later
05. Move in a Little Closer, Baby
06. James and the Cold Gun
07. ABC
08. Ça va je t'aime
09. Baby Love
10. Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken
11. Lolita Go Home
12. Gay Fun
13. My Guy
14. Upside Down
15. I'm a Cuckoo
16. Reach Out, I'll Be There
17. Poupée de cire, poupée de son

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