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The Thirst - Sail Away Review

The Thirst
Sail Away

Most single releases tend to be overly-complicated (the original record having bajillions of remixes tacked on to fill up space), but The Thirst, much like with their music, decided to keep things simple; you get the original song, one electro mix, and that’s it. It’s a nicely balanced package. The first track is the original song, a funky indie-ska number, with its groovy bassline, jangly twangy guitars and inspired lyrics about urban life derived from a lifetime of bumming around the band’s hometown, the urban jungle of Brixton. The second track, David E. Sugar’s Morning Jim Remix, will be the highlight for dance fans, its strong bassline and vocals mixing well with the glittery electronics used, with the space age echoes not quite fitting in. With both indie vibes and an interesting electronic twist, this single will be a hit with fans of both genres.

Release Date : 12/05/2008


Michael Slevin

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