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"We're gonna kill the California Girls"

Seemingly picking up where Bad Moon Rising left off, "Tom Violence" laconically rings-in EVOL. "My Violence is a dream…" It's followed by the raindrop-reminiscent notes of the presumably Hitchcock-inspired "Shadow Of A Doubt" which marks the first steps of a departure into a blissful, if still sinister, direction, before "Starpower" blasts through leaving any doubt, in the dust. Immediately after, Lee Ranaldo introduces his beat-inflected talking tunes to the band's texture. While the majority of the album remains somewhat overcast, in the 7 minutes and 20 seconds of "Madonna, Sean & Me" (AKA 'The Crucifixion of Sean Penn', though more widely known as "Expressway To Yr Skull") Sonic Youth metamorphose into the overall form we now know and love.

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